Are you committing to the gym, putting the effort in but not seeing the body composition result you desire?
Are you not hitting the PRs you want in the gym?
Are you feeling frustrated with the number of diet approaches out there and don’t know where to start?

If you answered yes to any or all the questions above, then this blog is for YOU!

Lets begin by being honest- It’s very HARD to out-exercise a poor diet. The best way to manage your weight and progress in fitness is by altering your caloric expenditure. Realistically, it’s extremely difficult to out expend high caloric foods. You may think that’s inaccurate because you’re wearing a fitness tracker that estimates calories burned; however, studies have proved that majority of devices over estimate by 40%. This could be one of the reasons you’re not seeing progress or change.

CrossFit metcons are a great way to expend a lot of energy and can aid in fat loss, lifting weight is the key to creating shape and muscular definition and when paired with good nutrition, the results will happen!

However, what you consume does matter for performance and composition because it all falls onto energy balance, especially for CrossFit athletes .

Following and committing to a fitness schedule with CrossFit Barrie is the perfect start; once you’ve got that covered, the next step is to take the time to invest in nutrition. This is going to make you unstoppable in class and/or on the competition floor.

The truth is most of us have all googled how to eat better, possibly even tried a generic online meal plan. There are many diets when you research; for example: Keto, Paleo, Atkins, The Zone, Raw Food, Weight Watchers etc... The only problem is sticking to it and realizing they are not sustainable long term.

The best diet is the diet that you can commit to!

How do you know which is best suited for you? I have these conversations all the time with clients and friends. The good news is that there is no one size fits all diet! That’s why it’s crucial when you commit to working on your nutrition to consider your lifestyle and circumstances when starting!

I do support flexible dieting. The research shows flexible dieting works and individual foods are not as important as you may think when it comes to obtaining your goals!

The greatest thing about flexible dieting is that it can align with your food preferences (protein, carbs, and fats!) Once taking the time to learn and understand how to count your macros, it becomes extremely easy to do when life becomes crazy with busy schedules or trips! You may think it is a tad time consuming but I promise it’s faster than scrolling through social media mindlessly.

Having a variety of foods in your diet can be beneficial for a multitude of health reasons. Let overall health be your “why” and start enjoying foods that will make you feel better and perform better.

CONTACT us anytime - I’d love to get you on track with nutrition! You can email us at
