Alex Recio has been involved in fitness for most of her life and started doing CrossFit classes about 5 years ago. Alex began online remote programming with Coach Sam during the pandemic (2020) when the gyms were in lockdown. She then started back up again this past Summer (2022) looking to improve proficiency with gymnastics movements.

In her words “I started back up with remote programming again this Summer and have been really enjoying it. I find it really well-balanced. (We work on building proficiency with specific movements, but also on improving foundational strength); challenging, but very achievable. Coach Sam always takes into account where I am currently at, and reflects any feedback I provide.”

Alex has been progressing her toes to bar, handstand push ups and pull up capacity with 3 skill based session per week.

“I am really happy with the progress I've been able to make so far! I wanted to focus on three movements (kipping pullups, toes to bar and handstand pushups), and have been able to feel and see improvements across all three.”

Remote programming is done through an app where clients can upload results, videos and receive feedback from the coach.

In 4 months of online programming, Alex has brought her kipping toes to bar capacity from 3 reps to now doing sets of 10! Her max set of strict pull ups was 3 reps, now she can do 7!! Lastly, her kipping handstand push ups to target began at 1 rep, and she recently just did a set of 12!! 💪

Alex currently lives and works out in Toronto at CrossFit 6S where she partakes in CrossFit classes.

“Going to CrossFit classes has been key for my mental health throughout the years. It always helps to clear my mind, provides stress relief and re-centers me.”

Alex knows that walking into a gym can be scary but equally rewarding.

“I know that walking into a CrossFit gym can be intimidating, but the community is generally really great at welcoming new people. I've been a part of a few different gyms throughout the years and have found that the coaches are always very knowledgeable and that the programming can always be adjusted and/or scaled to suit wherever you may be in your fitness journey.”

Alex works hard, is consistent and chases her goals. We are so proud of you Alex, thank you for sharing part of your fitness journey with us!

If you have questions about our gym CrossFit Barrie or any of our services, feel free to reach out to us -
