Training for Life: A Prescription for Fitness, written by gym owner and fitness coach Hernani Ourique, lives up to its title, focusing on the steps to getting healthy and staying fit for the long term. Unlike the myriad “exercise” books in the marketplace, the aim of this guide is not to transform readers into ultra-marathoners or gym rats. The core focus of Training for Life is to help readers to start building better habits that fit their personal lifestyle. The key goal is maintain a healthy lifestyle, one that promotes movement, whether you’re eighteen or eighty.

Ourique’s expertise, coupled with a scientific and common-sense approach, results in an easy-to-read and non-intimidating guide, covering topics from improving strength and range of motion to setting goals and managing stress, diet, and sleep. Each chapter is complemented with reader exercises (both physical and mental) geared at getting people moving, with the long-term goal of training for life.

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1) What made you write the book "Training For Life"?
When you are in the world of fitness and health for a fair amount of time you take for granted how simple and sobering some solutions are. With lots of noise in the fitness industry I wanted to shed some light on the low hanging fruit approach to a more quality life as opposed to the more unsustainable methods.

I also want to mention - if it wasn't for Sam, it wouldn't of been done in the time it Sam also made me write the book ahah.

2) Who should read "Training For Life"?

It’s easy for me to say everyone! And of course I would love that. I think at the end of the day though, my goal is to get the book into the hands of the people who are potentially intimidated by fitness and health as a lifestyle.

3) What's your favourite chapter in "Training For Life"?

The first chapter that popped into my head is the "Looking Forward" chapter. Simply because of my opening question in the book. I want to be a happy old man one day, and I know the path to that is doing something about it today. That is what that chapter means to me.

You can purchase the book TRAINING FOR LIFE on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or here at CrossFit Barrie!

