Eating During The Holidays

With the Holidays coming up very VERY soon, it can be really easy to fall off track with fitness and nutrition goals. 

Some people see the holidays and the food-centered celebrations as a time to make extra gains. Others are working really hard on weight loss goals and don’t want to derail their progress.

A long time ago, before I got into CrossFit, I dieted ALL the time. I was also trying to eat WAY less than I should. This would really set me up for failure and I would binge eat come the holidays and special events. When I learned that food is fuel, and that I needed it to perform in the gym and especially in everyday life… my whole perspective changed!

Whatever the case may be for you, here are some awesome reminders around food and the holidays.

  • Food is fuel! Anything you eat extra is going to go straight to those GAINZZZ!! This means STRONGER and FASTER in the gym!

  • Its the holidays. It’s time to unwind, relax, and enjoy family.

  • It’s only 1 day… maybe 2, or 3, or 5, that we are actually celebrating. These few days aren’t going to completely derail progress, if you don’t let them!

Here’s what NOT to do:

  • Slash your food and calories leading up to holiday events. This is going to leave you in a deprived state, which can cause you to go overboard with food and binge eat later.

  • Feel like you need to workout extra to “earn” your food.

  • Punish yourself by feeling like you HAVE to burn off the extra calories.

  • Eat less than normal, diet restrictively, do a juice cleanse or cut out carbs.

  • Throw in the towel and go on a binge fest (your stomach isn’t a dumpster!).

Here are some things you CAN do:

  • Plan ahead. Eat normally leading up to your events. Fuel your body with whole, balanced foods so that you don’t feel deprived leading up to the event.

  • Fill your plate with whole foods. Focus on protein. Get lots of turkey, lots of veggies, some mashed potatoes and gravy… when you are satiated vs. starving and deprived, you are WAY less likely to crave sugar and treats and binge on junk food.

  • Move your body for health and to bond with your family. Encourage your family to go for a walk after dinner. Movement aides in digestion!

  • Stay hydrated. Sometimes we feel hungry, and our body just really wants water.

  • Don’t succumb to food bullies! Its your body and you get to choose what you put into it.

  • Purchase non-alcoholic versions of your favourite drink, drink light drinks or choose not to drink at all. Make sure you drink water between every alcoholic drink.

  • Keep on top of your training schedule to the best of your ability over the holidays (we have a robust Holiday Schedule at CrossFit Barrie!). If you can’t make it to the gym, ask your coaches for some workouts you can do at home.

The most important thing to remember is the reason for the season! This is a time to enjoy family and be present and grateful.

Coach Kalie
